Customized Solution

Scintillation crystals and detectors are customized to meet the specific needs of various applications and achieve optimal performance. This customization process includes several key elements:

Crystal Growth: Selection of material composition, doping, and growth conditions.

Crystal Processing: Design of unique crystal shapes and dimensions, surface finishing and coating.

Crystal Array Fabrication: Types of reflectors and multi-layer array, size of array.

Customized light guide fabrication: selection of different materials and shapes.

Customized detector fabrication: Selection of light sensors to be coupled with the detector, such as PMT, SiPM, or PD.


Ningbo EBO Optoelectronics Ltd.

Explore High Performance Scintillation Crystal

Professional Services Started in 1999

Ningbo EBO Optoelectronics Ltd. is an expert crystal manufacturer providing high quality crystal products globally. With the goal of exceeding customers’ expectation, EBO thrives on continuous research and development to manufacture more diverse and high-quality products. Our main crystal products include: scintillation crystals such as LYSO (CE), YSO(Ce), BGO, CZT, GAGG(Ce), CsI(Tl), and NaI(Tl) for nuclear medicine and radiography , piezoelectric crystals such as PMN-PT and TeO2 for medical.

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How Does GAGG (Ce) Crystal Improve PET Imaging Sensitivity?

How Does GAGG (Ce) Crystal Improve PET Imaging Sensitivity?

Gadolinium Aluminum Gallium Garnet (GAGG) crystals doped with Cerium (Ce) have emerged as a powerful material for improving the sensitivity of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging. PET imaging is an essential diagnostic tool used in various medical fields, including oncology, cardiology, and neurology.


How Do LYSO (CE) Crystals Improve Imaging Resolution?

How Do LYSO (CE) Crystals Improve Imaging Resolution?

LYSO (Lutetium Yttrium Oxyorthosilicate) crystals doped with Cerium (Ce) have become a cornerstone in the world of medical and scientific imaging, particularly in positron emission tomography (PET) and other advanced imaging systems.


How Can BGO Crystals Enhance Gamma Ray Detection?

How Can BGO Crystals Enhance Gamma Ray Detection?

Bismuth Germanate (BGO) crystals have become an integral part of modern gamma ray detection systems due to their unique properties. These crystals are widely used in various applications, such as medical imaging, nuclear physics, and security systems, where precise and efficient detection of gamma rays is crucial.


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