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Ningbo EBO Optoelectronics Ltd.

Ningbo EBO Optoelectronics Ltd. is an expert crystal manufacturer providing high quality crystal products globally and scintillation crystal solution. With the goal of exceeding customers’ expectation, EBO thrives on continuous research and development to manufacture more diverse and high-quality products. Our main crystal products include: scintillation crystals such as LYSO (CE), YSO(Ce), BGO, CZT, GAGG(Ce), CsI(Tl), and NaI(Tl) for nuclear medicine and radiography , piezoelectric crystals such as PMN-PT and TeO2 for medical ultrasound, etc.

With more than 20 years’ experience in the field, EBO builds a strong research and design background to provide customers with comprehensive technical support. So far, EBO has more than 200+ satisfied customers worldwide. Besides building mass production lines for companies ranging from startups to fortune 500, EBO also supports the development of research prototype for laboratories in universities and national research center around the world. More than 200 highly professional and trained employees work together to ensure customers receiving outstanding services and products.


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Research staffs


To improve people’s health and life through continuous technological innovation in medical imaging materials.


Become a leading innovator in global medical imaging materials.


Integrity Innovation Cooperation Openness



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